Past Events
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DAB and DH Certificate Open House
Please join us to honor Digital Badge and Digital Humanities Certificate recipients during our Open House on October 10
Find out more »Centering Art History & Visual Culture in the Digital Humanities: Symposium Celebrating 10 Years of the Wired! Lab at Duke University
From the website: "Over the past decade, the use of digital methods has exploded in the study of art history and visual culture. As with other areas of the digital humanities, art historians and visual culture scholars have used a very wide range of approaches. Still, increasingly, one of the core areas that art history and visual culture have particular focused on is the analysis of spatial problems through computational methods and digital visualization. This conference brings to the fore…
Find out more »Triangle Digital Humanities Institute #RepresentationMatters at North Carolina Central University
"TDHI 2019 will feature digital humanities workshops, unconference sessions, and opportunities for attendees to share their work with the network. The goal is to meet in person to promote digital and public humanities projects across North Carolina in an equitable fashion." Register here (admission is free) TDHN at NCCU invites individual or team proposals related to our theme, #RepresentationMatters. Session types: WORKSHOP: Involve attendees in DH activity. SHOWCASE: Share a DH project or findings from a DH study. OTHER: You…
Find out more »Wednesday Workshop Series: Prospect
Please join us for a talk on the Prospect data analysis and visualization platform to be given by DIL lab manager Will Bosley on November 6 at 12:30 in Greenlaw 431. Prospect is designed as an easy-to-use vehicle for producing and publishing digital humanities research. Will's talk will expand on some of the capabilities of Prospect as well as projects completed using the platform. As Prospect is open-source and freely available to anyone interested in using it, Will is happy…
Find out more »Text Analysis Group: Silent Sam Project Update and Interest Meeting
Please join us November 11 at 3:30 in Greenlaw 431 for the latest updates on our analysis of tweets using the hashtag, #silentsam. There will be plenty to discuss for those interested in this project as well as those more generally interested in text analysis work, so feel free to attend even if you are unfamiliar with the work on #silentsam and just want to know more about methodology and potential avenues for research.
Find out more »Wednesday Workshop Series: Teaching Video Podcasts
Please join us Wednesday February 26 in Greenlaw 431 at 1:30 for Martin Groff's presentation on teaching video podcasts for English 105. Martin's talk will cover the design and implementation of a digital podcasting unit designed to introduce students to multimedia composition. Following a short presentation, we will have a question and answer session for those interested in a critical examination of the assignment and/or adopting the assignment for their own lesson plans. Martin is giving this talk as part…
Find out more »Computational Poetics and Data Aesthetics
On April 20, 2020, the Digital Innovation Lab (DIL) will hold a Colloquium on Computational Poetics and Data Aesthetics. The day’s events will provide an extended investigation and celebration of the relationships between humans and machines and the works of art, literature, and visual knowledge they produce together. The day will feature: Teaching Workshop 10:00AM Working Lunch 12:00PM Roundtable Discussion 1:00PM Keynote 3:30PM
Find out more »If, Then: Technology and Poetics
The Digital Innovation Lab at UNC is excited to announce a new conversation series beginning this semester, If, Then: Technology and Poetics. This series brings together writers, coders, and scholars investigating the relationships between humans and machines and the works of art, literature, and visual knowledge they produce together. Our first virtual event is on Tuesday, October 20 at 4PM and will be a timely and stimulating conversation between Lillian-Yvonne Bertram (UMass Boston) and Nick Montfort (MIT) on hacking against…
Find out more »“If, Then: Technology and Poetics” November Working Group
Our November meeting for the If, Then: Technology and Poetics working group will be Friday, November 13 at 1PM Eastern. The wonderful Chris Martens will be leading a session on their work at NCSU's POEM (Principles of Expressive Machines) Lab, where Chris and their students are "designing the next generation of programming languages and modeling tools for computational creativity, with a particular focus on game design, storytelling, and collaborative experience creation." Check out their projects at the POEM Lab's website…
Find out more »If, Then: Technology and Poetics
This semester, the Digital Innovation Lab's "If, Then: Technology and Poetics" conversation series is excited to welcome Allison Parrish (NYU) and Everest Pipkin in conversation on Thursday, March 11th at 1PM Eastern. Parrish and Pipkin are pioneers in the field of computational poetics, each with thoughtful, insightful relationships to the digital archive. Their talk will focus on cultivating intimacy and creativity in these vast, data-centric spaces, with wide-ranging applications for humanists, archivists, and technologists of all stripes. RSVP here for…
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